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Article in Press - Archives of Oral Biology (2011)
Bioactive antioxidant mixtures promote proliferation and migration on human oral fibroblasts

Antioxidants (AO) are the first line of defence against free radical damage and are critical for maintaining optimum health and well being. The need for AOs becomes even more critical with increased...

Journal of Dental Research November 2010 vol. 89 no. 11 1241-1246
Oxidative Stress, Systemic Inflammation, and Severe Periodontitis

Periodontal infections have been associated with a state of chronic inflammation. To ascertain whether severe periodontitis and its treatment are associated with oxidative stress, we recruited 145 cases (periodontitis) and 56 controls...

Journal of Periodontology 2010 Nov;81(11):1675-90
Antioxidants Counteract Nicotine and Promote Migration via RacGTP in Oral Fibroblast Cells

Smoking is associated with an increased risk of oral health and dental problems, and may impair wound healing by increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inhibiting cell migration. Treatment with antioxidant (AO)...

Journal of Dental Research January 2011 vol. 90 no. 1 47-52
Fatty Acid Profiles in Smokers with Chronic Periodontitis

Smoking is associated with specific structural alterations to the lipid-A-derived 3-OH fatty acid profile in saliva that are consistent with an oral microflora of reduced inflammatory potential. These findings provide much-needed mechanistic...

Journal of Dentistry 2009 Dec;37(12):932-6
Reaction kinetics of sodium ascorbate and dental bleaching gel.

The aim of this study was to establish the reaction kinetics of 35% hydrogen peroxide and sodium ascorbate and to determine the mass of antioxidant required to neutralize the bleaching gel. The...

Journal of Dentistry 2009 Jun;37(6):413-23.
Polyphenols, oral health and disease: A review.

Consistent, well-designed, epidemiological, animal and in vitro studies directly and indirectly support the preventive polyphenol effect against oral cancer with good evidence.